Rock art in the Drakensberg Mountains

The Drakensberg Range has between 35,000 and 40,000 works of Bushman rock art. These rock art sites constitute the largest collection of such rock art in the world. There are some 20,000 individual rock paintings that have been recorded at 500 different caves and over-hanging cliff sites between the Drakensberg Royal Natal National Park and Bushman’s Nek. Due to the materials used in their production, these paintings are difficult to date but there is now anthropological evidence, including many hunting implements, that suggest the San people existed in the Drakensberg at least 40,000 years ago, and possibly even as much as 100,000.

The most easily accessible rock art site with some of the best preserved examples of bushman rock art is at Game Pass Shelter in the Central Drakensberg at Kamberg. Giants castle offers main caves which is just a short walk and there is a guide at the rock art site with tours every hour on the hour.

Rock art in the Drakensberg Mountains

Rock art in the Drakensberg Mountains

Rock art in the Drakensberg Mountains

Rock art in the Drakensberg Mountains

San rock art at Gamepass shelter in the Drakensburg Mountains, South Africa.

San rock art at Gamepass shelter in the Drakensburg Mountains, South Africa.

drakensberg rock art

drakensberg rock art

drakensberg rock art

drakensberg rock art

drakensberg rock art

drakensberg rock art

drakensberg rock art

drakensberg rock art drakensberg rock art




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