Our Drakensberg Tourist map is available to you for free and we would love to hear about anything that can be improved on it. We know that already this map which has been produced together with African Nights is the most comprehensive tourist map for the region. This map is to scale, lists the road conditions showing dirt and tar and as many of the tourist attraction that we are aware of. If we have missed anything let us know so that next year it can be improved upon. The Drakensberg Tourist Map is also distributed in A2 size printed form for free and is available from distribution points throughout the Drakensberg region. Unfortunately we don’t have the resources to send out maps free of charge by post so please make use the digital Drakensberg map for now and make a point of asking for the Drakensberg Tourist Map when you are in the area. and thank you to African Nights for assisting with this website and our Drakensberg map that helps to promote our area.
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