Paragliding in Boston
Boston, a small town in the Southern Drakensberg is renowned for the spectacular paragliding available. The Boston Bulwer Beat links Boston, Bulwer and parts of the Dargle Valley. The main attractions in the Boston area include hiking, walking, fishing, rafting, birding and para and hang gliding. The two hubs of the Boston Bulwer Beat are the village of Bulwer and the hamlet of Boston. This tourist route has an emphasis on the natural rather than pure Arts and Crafts.
Attractions in Boston
- The Pickle Pot Well known for it’s exclusive range of products which can be bought on the premises. Ten kilometers on the Bulwer side of Boston, the Pot also serves country breakfasts, teas and lunches. An enchanting and rustic chapel in a nearby forest is used for outdoor weddings.
- The Trading Post An outlet for local handmade goods, it’s stocked with country crafts and produce. Six kilometers on the Bulwer side of Boston, the Post is open every day except Tuesdays from 09:00 – 17:00.
- The Yellowwood Church This unique experience can be enjoyed alongside the original wagon road from Pietermaritzburg to Himeville. Built from hand sawed yellowwood by one William Colville for the sum of 25 pounds. Services are held at 11:15 on the first Sunday of each month.
- Magwaqa Mountain (2085 m) (Zulu for ‘the frowning one’). Stands guard over Bulwer. The mountain is conserved by the Bulwer Biosphere and provides one of the best hang and paragliding sites in southern Africa. The mountain also offers walks and views amidst unspoilt flora and fauna.
- ACTIVITIES A number of hiking trails with overnight camps have been established. Game Viewing, cycling, and tubing can be organized, and there are 4 x 4 and mountain bike trail
Boston Accommodation
- Calderwood Hall Lodge,Guest House,Bed and breakfast accommodation in Boston Come and soothe away the tensions, as you relax in the calm ambiance of Calderwood Hall Guest House, a three star Edwardian Country House nestled in the foothills of the Southern Drakensberg in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Boston Links
- Boston Natal Midlands Boston the hub of paragliding and gateway to the Southern Drakensberg.
- Boston – Accommodation in the Drakensberg Mountains
- Bulwer – Southern Drakensberg Boston and Bulwer are located in the foothills of the Drakensberg, amidst rolling hills, lush forests and tranquil lakes and dams
- Boston – Boston is a small town situated in the Mkhomazi and Elands River valley
- Boston – Drakensberg-Tourism.co.za
- Boston accommodation
- Drakensberg Tourist Information – Drakensberg Mountains
- Drakensberg Accommodation
- Drakensberg Tourist Information
- Calderwood Hall – Wedding venue in Boston
- Eland Valley Resort – Southern Drakensberg
- Links – Northern Drakensberg
- Planning on getting married in the Natal Midlands?
- Birding – Natal Midlands and Drakensberg
- Midlands Drakensberg – Madlands
- Link Partners for maloti-drakensberg-route.co.za
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